Monday, September 30, 2019

Resourcing talent CIPD Essay

INTRODUCTION Resourcing talent refers to the processes for identifying, assessing, acquiring, developing, and deploying employees who are critical to the company’s success . The issue with many companies today is that their organizations put tremendous effort into attracting employees to their company. The process of attracting and retaining profitable employees, as it is increasingly more competitive between firms and of strategic importance, has come to be known as the war for talent. Factors that affect an organization approach to resourcing talent: While it is certainly important to acquire new talent for the organization, it is worthwhile investigating what talent is already available within the organization and if these can be used to fill any vacancies. Employer branding is the creation of a brand image of the organization for prospective employees. A strong employer brand is about differentiating yourself as an employer of choice, align that single vision to everything you do and amplifying that message across all business strategies. Employer branding sells your workplace culture, values and goals to potential and existing employees. A company needs to identify what sort of people the organization needs with regards to their qualifications and experience and the extent to which they are likely to fit the culture of the organization, its values and norms. Another aspect to take into account is where the organization operates, such as culture of the people already in employment, the local talent or whether it is beneficial to open the recruitment to a wider market. Benefits of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce: Leadership – â€Å"employees join companies and leave managers†: while people often join companies with high expectations, it is often their managers and supervisors that they leave, and not the company. If managers fail to create job satisfaction within their teams, people feel unmotivated and negative. Managers have the power to create a team that is totally engaged or they can drive people to leave their job. Learning opportunities: It is wrong to think that if a company develops its high-potential employees these will leave for another company. High potentials who are not developed and do not  see advancements opportunities will leave the organization even more quickly. Performance recognition and rewards: Employee recognition is a communication tool that reinforces and rewards the most important outcomes people create for your business. When you, as an employer, recognize people effectively, you are reinforcing, with your chosen means of recognition (monetary or non-monetary rewards), the actions and behaviours you most want to see people repeat. Factors that affect the organizations approach to recruitment and selection: â€Å"Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting people to fill the positions in an organisation, with the aim of the activity to find some numbers of qualified job applicants who will take the position it is offered.† Jewell 1998. â€Å"Selection techniques are used to decide which of the applicants is best suited to fill the vacancy in question†¦a negative activity in so far as it involves picking out the best of the bunch and turning down the rest†. Taylor 2002. Factors affecting recruitment and selection are: Time frame: it depends how quickly the job needs to be filled, whether it would be better to recruit internally, which takes less time, or whether the company would benefit to recruit externally and wait a little longer. Internal or external recruitment/Cost involved: Internal recruitment is cheaper and quicker and the employee is already familiar with the organization. It provides opportunity for promotion and motivates the staff. External recruitment takes longer and it is more expensive but the company will benefit from the new ideas the new recruit brings to the organization. There is also a wide market to choose from and a bigger range of experience. Working conditions, salary and benefit packages offered by the organization. Cultural, economic, political and legal factors like reservations of jobs for specific sections of society etc. Benefits of three different recruitment methods: Internal recruitment: It is cheaper and quicker to recruit. People are familiar with the business and how it operates Provides opportunity for promotion within the business and creates motivation for the staff. It is beneficial from a HR perspective as the person is already known and his personal data is already recorded. Job advertisements: Advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment. They can be found in many places (local and national newspapers, notice boards, recruitment fairs). Recruitment agencies: provides employers with details of suitable candidates for a vacancy. They work for a fee and often specialise in particular employment areas. Benefits of three different selection methods: Practical test: these test ability and are usually done for: Manual jobs – trade skills Secretarial jobs – word processing skills Those working in call centres or in telesales – telephone sills Interview: the advantage of face to face interviews is that the researcher can adapt the questions as necessary, clarify doubt and ensure that the responses are properly understood, by repeating or rephrasing the questions. The researcher can also pick up non-verbal clues from the respondent through the body language. Assessment centres: These are generally used by large organisations, particularly when making senior appointments. Individual and group exercises tale place, sometimes over a few days, often including an interview, psychometric test, group discussions and tasks, written exercises and presentations. They can be expensive and time-consuming. Conclusion: â€Å"The firm’s most important resources and capabilities are those which are durable, difficult to identify and understand, imperfectly transferable, not easily replicated, and in which the firm possesses clear ownership control. These are the firm’s ‘crown jewels’ and need to be protected; and they play a pivotal role in the competitive strategy which the firm pursues. The essence of strategy formulation, then, is to design a strategy that makes the most effective use of these core resources and capabilities†. Grant (1991)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Distinctive Periods in History Essay

1. Discuss the causes of the Protestant Reformation. Which do you feel are most important? Why? The Protestant Reformation was caused by a number of cumulative factors ranging from socio-political developments during the 1600s to several blatant weaknesses in the Catholic Church. The socio-political factors range from the ongoing European decentralization during that period with the rise of independent nation states and the breakdown of a formerly medieval set-up under the leadership of the Pope.   Meanwhile, the causes for the breakdown of the medieval society were owed to the Black Death caused by the bubonic plague and the Hundred Years’ War between France and England. Another socio-political factor was the rise of the renaissance period wherein there was a renewed interest in humanism and a rebirth and rediscovery of the ancient arts and culture. Oh the other side of the spectrum, visible weaknesses in the Catholic Church caused a lot of discontent and rebels even among the most faithful within the Roman Catholic organization – the monks and the nuns.   The weaknesses can be further categorized as administrative divisions within the Catholic Church hierarchy, the proliferation of questionable rituals and practices, and rampant corruption and abuse of power in Church. The most blatant abuse came in the form of the sale of indulgences, certificates of remission from Purgatory and Simony or sale of higher Catholic offices to the highest bidder. However, the most important factor of the collapse of the control of the Roman Catholic Church over its followers is primarily because of the exclusion of the ordinary and regular people of direct communication with their God.   Earlier practices, literature and celebration of the Sunday Mass were all done in Latin.   Only the most educated and privileged sectors of society had access to the language.   Hence, the majority of the people felt alienated to it own religion.   Soon, several sects and break off organizations from the original Catholic practice of Christianity began to form their own groups and organizations. Some credit the start of this movement of Protestant Reformation to the posting of martin Luther King’s â€Å"95 Thesis on the Power of Indulgence† on October 13, 1517. It was a straight protest of the corruption of the Catholic Church and the inability of the Pope leadership to bring the Church to the people by making translations of the Latin version of the literatures of the Church like the Bible to plain everyday language like English.   From thereon, some of the more important Protestant groups to break away were the Lutherans, the Reformed/Calvinists/Presbyterians, the Anabaptists, and the Anglicans. The movement also led to a Catholic or Counter-Reformation within the Roman Catholic Church. 2. What advice does Machiavelli give a prince? The advice given by Machiavelli to the Prince is: â€Å"The Prince ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline; (Machiavelli)†. In giving this advice, Machiavelli has put the full weight of a country leader’s responsibility to that of mastering the art of war and defense of its own country.   He iterated again and again that it is the single most important task of a true leader.   Furthermore, he iterated that if a leader cannot take up arms and master the craft of war, he could descend into the rank of a private (Machiavelli). However, a private who has mastered the craft of arms and war could ascend to the rank of a leader (Machiavelli).   Hence, for purposes of maintaining his ascendancy or right to lead, a leader (or prince as referred to throughout the text), should be able to protect his domain above all else (Machiavelli). Another advice that Machiavelli gives the leader (or prince) is that of ensuring he is instills fear in his subjects or domain so that nobody would dare cross him.   He further explains that such a preference of being feared instead of being loved will ensure his throne because of the nature of men.   Men apparently find â€Å"no scruples† over betraying people they love but would find it harder to go against somebody they feared (Machiavelli).   Hence, if there is a choice to be made between being feared or being loved, the leader (or prince) should have no qualms that he should make sure he is feared.   A precaution added here though is that the leader (or prince), while assuring he is feared by his subjects also should ensure he is also not hated by them (Machiavelli).   Apparently, this he can do by making sure he respects their property and their women (Machiavelli). The last advice given was in tune with the practice of the times during the 1600 when nobilities and kings would often abuse their positions and wantonly take what they want from their subjects including the so called â€Å"right of first night† with total disrespect for the husband and also the women during that time. 3. Discuss the Age of Exploration. What were the motivations for the age? The Age of Discovery or Exploration came about when the rise of capitalism was surging throughout Europe and established nations like England and Spain started looking outward of their own domain to plot new territories and sources for gold, silver and spices. From the early 1600s to the 1800s, or for more than 200 years, it was not just the age of discovery for new lands but also a surge in technological innovations of equipment and machines.   The period saw a lot of improvement in the study of cartography and a more realistic global map of nations and territories. Aside from   cartography, improvements in navigation, firepower, and shipbuilding were also flourishing. Why is it significant? This period was significant for establishing the modern day map and the confirmation that the fundamental theories that the world is round and that global meridians do exist.   This period would also plot the socio-political divisions of global powers and their respective and strategic holds on territories and influences. Please name two explorers and describe what they ultimately accomplished. During this period of exploration and discovery, there were several individuals who were made their mark in history because of their contribution to the charting of new found continents and territories.   Among these prominent individuals were Captain James Cook and Ferdinand Magellan.   Captain James Cook was from England and Ferdinand Magellan was from Portugal, but served Spain after being refused by the administration of Portugal to be entrusted with an exploration fleet (Swenson). James Cook James Cook’s beginning was humble, being born to a farm laborer father.   But at sixteen old, his interest in sea voyage was triggered by being an apprentice in a shop located in a seaport with a window overlooking the vast sea.   After more than a year, he began apprenticeship in a merchant’s vessel.   Soon, James Cook went on to study algebra, geometry, trigonometry, navigation, and astronomy.   Ultimately, these skills proved very helpful in helping him pass his apprenticeship, and later on command his own ship.   To expedite the process, he joined the British Royal Navy. He participated in the Seven Years’ War.   He was an active participant in the siege of Quebec.   Here, he was able to use the various skills he learned during his first apprenticeship when he was sixteen yearrs old.   He displayed a talent for cartography and surveying. His main contribution to this age of exploration was his mapping of the Saint Lawrence River that helped General Wolf in his famous attack on the Plain of Abraham.   Capt. James Cook was also responsible for accurately mapping the coast of Newfoundland (part of Canada). He produced the first large scale accurate maps of Newfoundland, despite rough conditions   This started his huge career and impact on the British’ direction of discovery and exploration of new territories.   His most famous quote,   â€Å"To go further than any man has been before me, but as far as I think it is possible for a man to go (Collingridge)†, revealed his primary goal in life. Ferdinand Magellan The second other prominent individual during this age is Ferdinand Magellan. Ferdinan Magellan first approached the administration of   the Portugese royalty, but was refused.   Hence he tried the neighboring nation of Spain, and he was granted an audience and given a chance to prove himself, and his objective of circumnavigating the globe via a westward route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia (Swenson). The fleet of ships started with 270 crew members.   However, only 18 of the original crew was able to circumnavigate the globe and reported the success of Magellan’s team (Swenson). Ferdinand Magellan established the colonial reign of Spain in the Philippine Islands and was the first person to successfully cross all the meridians of the globe.   He also lead the crew   to sail westward from Europe to Asia, and successfully cross the Pacific ocean. Before his discovery of the Philippine Islands, this part of the world was totally unknown (Swenson).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Advice I Often Receive From Parents Essays - Chitto Harjo

Advice I Often Receive From Parents A piece of advice that I often receive is "as long as you do your best." This refers to success in everything from school to careers. I believe that this is good advice because it tells me that they trust my judgment and will respect my decisions, even if they are the wrong ones. This helps to take pressure off of me when I am going to school because I don't have to live up to certain standards and try to accomplish goals that are unattainable. Instead, I can just worry about doing the best I can. It is possible that I may have a career that is not the highest paying or the most prestigious. But as long as I am happy, and I do the job to the best of my ability, I will feel like I have accomplished something. This is good because many kids have to live up to expectations that they can't attain, or do something that they don't really enjoy in order to make their parents proud. The problem with saying "as long as you do you best" is that when I know I could have done a better job, I have a sort of guilty feeling. I hate it when I get a mediocre mark or fail in something and my parents say "as long as you tried your hardest." It gets quite annoying when I second guess myself about what I could have done. However, when I know I did the work as well as I could and it isn't a good mark, I don't worry about it as much as some people might. In conclusion, the piece of advice that I receive most often from my parents is basically a good one, and often it keeps me motivated in the things I do. It also shows me that my parents will support most of my decisions and treat me like a responsible person. I believe that somewhere along the line I will probably pass along the advice "as long as you did your best" to my children.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critical Review - HIA for future development Essay

Critical Review - HIA for future development - Essay Example lia may be sufficient in catering to the peoples’ water needs, however, the utility of treated wastewater in these catchments seems to be more feasible in meeting the rising demands for safe water, while at the same time, safeguard the general health of the public. Rationale for the Proposed Project. Adelaide is just one of the regions in Australia that is paying the high price of economic progress. As emphasized in a research, this city is generating its water supply from distant sources while its wastewater disposal is overly increasing in volume (Richard and Budgen 2008, 6). The situation experienced shows that a necessity for a sustainable water source is crucial. With the help of the proposal in recharging dams with treated wastewater, water supply can be replenished. Aside from this, the necessity of decreasing wastewater pollution also needs to be addressed. This project, then, hits two birds in one stone. It not only meets the increasing challenge of depleting water supply, the method of divesting the city from volumes of wastewater can also be settled lawfully. Process and Materials Utilized. Generally, wastewater is â€Å"discarded water ... from sanitary or foul sewage† (Aswthanarayana 2001, 159). With this, one needs to be reminded that this type of water source is already contaminated with several microorganisms and chemical substances. The probability of recycle can only increase by subjecting volumes of wastewater in several treatment stages. Numerous phases are employed for safer wastewater sources: â€Å"pre-treatment, mechanical or primary, biological or secondary, tertiary and quarternary† (Barcelo and Petrovic 2008, 3). Each treatment line is necessary for a potable water distribution in households (please see Figure 1, Appendix A). The pretreatment phase involves the removal of large particles through a programmed machine. This task is continued in the secondary phase, with its combination of physical and chemical procedure prior to the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Effect Of RMB Revalue To The Economy Of China Dissertation

The Effect Of RMB Revalue To The Economy Of China - Dissertation Example The expectation on appreciation of RMB was postponed during the global financial crisis. The appreciation of RMB will affect the aggregate demand through two canals. The appreciation will cause pressure on the supply of money. This will lead monetary expansion in cases where sterilized intervention is not sufficient. The aggregate demand and prices of the assets will get stimulated. The imbalances between demand and supply will increase because of the expectations associated with trade surplus and speculative inflows of capital. The monetary authorities will buy the excess supply of foreign exchange in the market in order to maintain stability in exchange rates. The growth in assets of foreign currency was much more than the growth of base money. The growth of foreign assets even crossed the rate of growth of broad money. This puts pressure on the monetary authorities to fasten down the monetary growth. The growth of money will be out of control if measures of sterilized intervention cannot keep up to the task. The growth of assets of foreign currency has dropped below the growth rate of broad money after the financial crisis. In the long run, the growth rate of broad money will settle in the usual level and short term capital will start to enter into the economy of China and this will again put the supply of money under pressure. But even if the monetary authorities are able to control the stable growth rate of money supply, then also the expectation for appreciation of RMB will stimulate the aggregate demand and prices of the assets will rise. Once the appreciation of RMB is expected, the expected returns on the assets that are risky will increase and price of these assets will take the steep rising path. The value of the collateral will...The politicians of U.S. are of the opinion that revaluation of the RMB will act as the solution in problems of trade deficit. But the reality is that the current trade deficit that U.S. has with China is mainly because of t he prevailing economic conditions in U.S. So the trade deficit that is affected by RMB is negligible (Hong Kong Industrialist, 2005/6, p. 15). Introduction The director of Peterson Institute for International Economics blamed the undervaluation of the currency of China for job losses in the country of United States. The director also drew a plan of action if China did not withdraw the control of currency and permit the renminbi (RMB) to gain strength. The central bank of China known as the People’s Bank of China allowed for some relaxation. The bank announced that will abandon the two year old peg. The peg has kept the RMB with the dollar (Yu, 2010, p. 2). It allowed RMB to respond according to the forces of the market. China will now begin to move into the regime of floating exchange rate. The regime will be a tight one which was in practice in the period between 2005 and 2008. The value of RMB will be the base on a basket of currencies within a narrow range (Wharton Univers ity of Pennsylvania, 2010). Method of Analysis In the method of analysis the previous researches will be taken into account and stress will be given on assessing the impact of the revaluation on the economy. The different effects namely the balance sheet effect and the economic effect will be taken into consideration.

Nursing Theory Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing Theory - Term Paper Example This essay discusses that King’s theory of goal attainment emphasizes upon the objectives which influence the relationship between a patient and a nurse. The underlying assumption on which this theory is based is that both the patient and the nurse interact with each other in the capacity of human beings. The two are open systems each of which intermingles with the environment as well. The theory of goal attainment is a systems model type of theory whose conceptual framework was retrieved from three fundamental systems of dynamic interaction, namely the social, interpersonal and personal interacting system. Because of its tendency to impact the behavior, perception is given extreme importance in the personal system. The reaction of groups or individuals gave rise to the interpersonal systems. King’s theory of goal attainment is quite relevant and applicable today. This theory highlights some key facts that are intuitively known by both the nurse and the patient. Interpe rsonal communication between the nurse and the patient is crucial for favorable results of the nursing practice. This theory analyzes the relationship between the nurse and the patient on three levels of social, interpersonal and personal interaction. The three jointly describe the interaction completely. Although the contemporary age is characterized by digital technology, which is frequently made use of by the nurse to interact with the patient, though the variables discussed in the King’s theory apply just as well as they do in verbal communication. The Division of Nursing is directed at providing the nursing care recipients with high quality of health care. Faculty achieves this through their research, teaching and community’s service. Nurses create their individualistic stance upon the health and life using a wide array of interpersonal relationships. The integration of intellectual, spiritual, physical and cultural elements facilitates this process. Both nurse an d the patient are influenced both externally and internally by a myriad of physical, social and biological components of the environment. Health is the name of an individual’s social, physical and spiritual well being. Nursing, on the other hand, is a field in which the professional counsels the patient in such a way that his/her health is restored. The most fundamental element of nursing is the care of patients. In order to facilitate optimal well being of the patient, the nurse works in an independent setting, though the environmental factors do govern the attitudes of both the nurse and the patient. King’s theory of goal attainment compares well with the philosophy of the Division of Nursing in that both acknowledge the significance of environmental factors upon the interaction between the nurse and the patient. Nevertheless, King’s theory places more emphasis upon the personal system while depicting the behavior of either of the two parties involved in the p rocess whereas the Division of Nursing makes a generic approach towards it by giving equal importance to each of the several components constituting the environment. My personal theory of nursing is that nurses maintain a caring relationship with the patients, irrespective of the theories of nursing. Nurses know their work. Nevertheless, their practice is consistent with the theories of nursing in general, and King’s theory of goal attainment in particular. I believe that factors affecting a nurse’s behavior and perceptions about the patient vary from one nurse to another. This is, to much an extent, an outcome of the way an individual thinks and the ideology of an individual. Since people vary in their opinions and ideologies, it is not quite reasonable to standardize the personal interacting system as the fundamental determinant of a nurse’s perceptions. King’s theory of goal attainment is relevant across the span of nursing practices because it tends t o explain some of the most fundamental concepts involved in the practice. As I said, I believe that one formula does not work for every individual because an

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sasol Company Market Analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sasol Company Market Analysis - Term Paper Example The strong South African economy provides growing, profitable home market for Sasol. In the stock market, Sasol offers a solid dividend and the stock currently yields a hefty 4.59%. Though recent markets are not satisfying the investors, Sasol is relatively volatile. Though there is fall of oil prices, Sasol probably offers much to its investors. Government regulations and policies also affect Sasol’s marketing. The currency devaluation of Rand has a strong impact on the strategies of Sasol. â€Å"Customers receive a further R1.25 preferential procurement recognition for each R1 they spend with the Sasol Group of Companies.† (â€Å"BEE certificate†). In addition, the political interruptions in pricing decisions, due to the elections, drive the market of oil industry. The increase of taxes and lowering of synfuel subsidies by the government probably affect the product marketing which in turn affects the revenue of the company. Thus, Sasol has to take necessary mea sures to sustain among these regulations of the policies. Black empowerment companies enjoy better benefits as the government insists on 25% indigenous participation to its value chain. (â€Å"BEE certificate†). Sasol, being a BEE verified enterprise, commits to promote and enhance African empowerment. The environmental issues are yet another phenomenon that affects the company’s marketing, particularly from the perspective of social responsibility. Some of the major environmental issues that affect Sasol are pollution.... In addition, the political interruptions in pricing decisions, due to the elections, drive the market of oil industry. The increase of taxes and lowering of synfuel subsidies by the government probably affect the product marketing which in turn affects the revenue of the company. Thus, Sasol has to take necessary measures to sustain among these regulations of the government policies. Black empowerment companies enjoy better benefits as the government insists on 25% indigenous participation to its value chain. (â€Å"BEE certificate†). Sasol, being a BEE verified enterprise, commits to promote and enhance African empowerment. The environmental issues are yet another phenomenon that affects the company’s marketing, particularly from the perspective of social responsibility. Some of the major environmental issues that affect Sasol are pollution created by refineries, introduction of eco-friendly fuels, oil spills, GHG emissions and more. Though Sasol has taken alternative measures for producing fuels, these methods also tend to emit a considerable amount of GHG and lead to pollution of the environment. PEST Analysis: Political: Regulations from the government regarding taxes Political instability Lowering synfuel subsidies Economic: Currency volatility in South Africa Persistent inflation in input cost Price fluctuations of the global market Strong African economy Social: Strikes in African mines Limited access of labor in the local environment Providing employment opportunities on racial lines Technical: Expanding its Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) and Coal-To-Liquid (CTL) technologies for producing fuel Growing chemical portfolio and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Technology in work place Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Technology in work place - Research Paper Example The term technology is specified to the subjects of concern as for example, medical technology, construction technology, information technology and networking technology to name a few. Technology therefore has profound effects on the human being as well as the other species of this world. With the unmatched development of technology, business houses have also started taking interest in the implementation of technology for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of business. The most common technologies used by the companies nowadays for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency are video conferencing, virtual office technology and social networks. With these technologies, workplace boundaries have actually expunged. Furthermore, with the implementation of technology, companies now get the opportunity to target wider customer base and can reach out to many geographical places of the world (Hanks 14-18). What are its promises? The advancement of technology promises people to show more ef ficient ways of doing the work. For instance, the education system has advanced to a great extent with the development of computers and laptops. In the similar way, the business houses have also experienced tremendous benefits for the development of technology. Companies have been able to take their business on a global scale in the most efficient form and in the most cost effective way. Technology also promises to improve the following fields. Improved Communication: Improving the communication at work place is one of the basic necessities of organizations. In this context, technology can be useful in improving the communication infrastructure of the company. Earlier, communication among the workers used to take place with the help of wired telephone lines and off late mobile phones and fax. However, robust development of technology has facilitated companies to shift to more modern communication systems (Clarke 16-24). Human Capital: - With the development and implementation of imp roved technologies, companies nowadays are able to embrace better human resource. This is generally achieved through the improved efficiency of screening, recruitment and hiring. The performance and performance appraisal is also carried out with improved technology. The concept of balanced scorecard and 360 degree appraisal method are some of the examples of technology in improving the capacity of human resources. Greater Efficiency: technology is indispensible in increasing the efficiency of the company. Technology has not only provided companies with the opportunity to improve efficiency but has also helped in maintaining high productivity. What are some potential down side of these new technologies and trends? In today’s world, where everything is just about accessible and more convenient due to the advancements in technology, it seems that continued development will be inevitable. Stepping into the 21st century has allowed mankind to experience some of the most unbelievab le things. However, authors have mentioned that when the other side of this development is considered, technology can be a cause of destruction, if not used properly (Baldauf and Stair 22-24). Despite a number of applications and advantages, there are potential down side of the new technologies and trends. Some of the obvious downsides are detailed below: - Dependency: - The dependency on technology in increasing at a robust rate. The more technological advancement being experienced by the society, the dependence of people on

Monday, September 23, 2019

Macro5B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Macro5B - Essay Example As statistics show, the GDP rose, unemployment fell and incomes rose bringing the economy back to life. GDP grew from -0.3% in 1980 to 4.1% in 19881 which in return decreased the unemployment rate from 7.1% to 1.6%3 which created a net job increase of approximately 16 million. One of the most ironic statistics is that of inflation; this model has a very optimistic approach towards the economy as economic growth is associated with large scale inflation, however, statistics show that inflation, from 13.5% in 1980 declined to only 4.1% till 1988. It’s a startling fact that outlines the success of this economic model. Focusing on the statistics, one may draw out the conclusion of the success of Reagonomics, there are critics who argue in every field but past trends supported by authentic statistics answer the question of the efficiency of any model, which in this case turned out to be optimistic. A report published in 1996 also draws out the conclusion by stating that the economy of the U.S performed better during the Reagon years4. Answer 2: The whole economy revolves around a few commodities that are essential for day to day operations of a Country; one of the most vital of these commodities is Oil. OPEC is one of the biggest oil companies and each economy is affected by prices set by OPEC (It’s like an oligopoly). Increase or decreases in fuel prices by such monopolies tend to hamper or support economic growth; such monopolies are directly related to a Country’s economic system. In general, oil is known to be a compliment or a raw material for many other goods in an economy therefore a price change of oil may lead to cost push inflation or deflation. In case where OPEC decides to increase the price of oil, this would lead to cost push inflation in the economy; the aggregate (total) supply of the economy would shift upwards bringing about price hikes as shown in the diagram: In the short run, what’s happening is the increase in price o f oil is pushing the supply down and creating price hikes as the short run aggregate supply curve moves from AS1 to AS2. This effect will impact people but not as much in the short run; people are more flexible and have fixed schedules and will not alter their fuel consumption just because of an increase in fuel prices in a day; even if the increase is steep, in the short run it is expected that people would absorb the impact The demand for oil in the short run would be relatively inelastic and the economy would not suffer to a large extent. However, in the long run, situation may be different as people’s demand for oil may become elastic as they want to adapt to changes in an optimistic light. In the long run, the demand for OPEC oil would be relatively elastic and fuel price increases may cause the economy to suffer at large. The direct impact on the economy depends on where the economy is operating at the point and what is the shape of their long run aggregate supply curve as there is a difference in opinion for the monetarist and Keynesian model for long run aggregate supply curve. If we follow the Keynesians model; the impact to the economy of an increase in oil prices depends largely on where the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Enthanasia Pro And Cons Essay Example for Free

Enthanasia Pro And Cons Essay As Victor Fung Keung pointed out in the Observer column (A person has the right to a dignified death, August 18), most people object to euthanasia without thinking about the subject in a rational way. They ignore the fact that someone who is terminally ill will not get better. And they are indifferent to the suffering and mental anguish that these patients endure. It is cowardly to ignore the excruciating pain they suffer before dying. People opposed to euthanasia banish thoughts of their loved ones ever facing such pain. There are those who attempt to take the moral high ground, saying a life should not be ended in this way under any circumstances. We have to face the issue of euthanasia. We must address it now, not just because of the pleas of the quadriplegic Choi Wan-fung (Quadriplegic thinks about how to kill himself every day, August 16), but also because it is simply inhumane to stand idly by while people die in extreme pain. The government and legislators should have the courage to reform the law on euthanasia. Ko King-tim, Kowloon Tong I do not agree with Victor Fung Keungs article (A person has the right to a dignified death, August 18). I think a person has the right to a dignified life and that there is no dignity in death. I disagree with the promoters of euthanasia, because people choose to die, not through free will, but under pressure, mostly from family members. You reported on the plight of quadriplegic Choi Wan-fung. If I was in a situation where I felt I had become a financial burden to my wife or my children, I would want to opt to die. That is why the present law exists, to protect me, not to encourage me to commit suicide. At the same time, a civil society should provide the means for someone in that state to be able to lead a dignified life. Mr Fung says that dying with dignity is humane but how does he know? As Hamlet says, that is the undiscovered country. A friend of mine died last year of cancer at 53. He was in great pain, but just a few days before dying, and in spite of suffering, lying in his garden he explained to me how overwhelmed he was by the beauty of flowers.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Audio spotlight Device

Audio spotlight Device Abstract A directional source of audio sound created using a parametric array, sometimes called an audio spotlight, generates a sound beam that is much narrower than the sound beam generated by a conventional source. It is a very recent technology that creates focused beams of sound similar to light beams coming out of a flashlight. By ‘shining sound to one location, specific listeners can be targeted with sound without others nearby hearing it. It uses a combination of non-linear acoustics and some fancy mathematics. But it is real and is fine to knock the socks of any conventional loud speaker. This acoustic device comprises a speaker that fires inaudible ultrasound pulses with very small wavelength which act in a manner very similar to that of a narrow column. The ultra sound beam acts as an airborne speaker and as the beam moves through the air gradual distortion takes place in a predictable way due to the property of non-linearity of air. Joseph Pompeis Holosonic Research Labs inve nted the Audio Spotlight that is made of a sound processor, an amplifier and the transducer. The targeted or directed audio technology is going to a huge commercial market in entertainment and consumer electronics and technology developers are scrambling to tap in to the market. Audio spot light technology can do many miracles in various fields like Private messaging system, Home theatre audio system, Navy and military applications, museum displays, ventriloquist systems etc .Thus audio spotlighting helps us to control where sound comes from and where it goes! I. Introduction Audio spotlight is a very recent technology that creates focused beams of sound similar to light beams. By ‘shining sound to one location, specific listeners can be targeted with sound without other nearby hearing it, i.e. to focus sound into a highly directional beam. The audio spotlight uses ultrasonic energy to create extremely narrow beam of sound that behave like beam of light. Audio spotlighting exploits the property of non-linearity of air. When inaudible ultrasound pulses are fired into the air, it spontaneously converts the inaudible ultrasound into audible sound tones. like audible sound ultrasound waves, get distorted as they travel through air. The ultrasound waves are breaked into lower frequency, i.e. audible sound waves. so these ultrasound waves can travel along a narrow path, people to left or right of a target remain silence. II. System Requirement A. Hardware Requirement: A transducer(speaker). An amplifier. Coax cable. III. Architecture The ultrasound has wavelengths only a few millimeters long, which are much smaller than the source, and consequently travel in an extremely narrow beam. Of course, the ultrasound, which contains frequencies far outside our range of hearing, is completely inaudible. But as the ultrasonic beam travels through the air, the inherent properties of the air cause the ultrasound to distort (change shape) in a predictable way. This distortion gives rise to frequency components in the audible band, which can be accurately predicted, and therefore precisely controlled. By generating the correct ultrasonic signal, we can create, within the air itself, essentially any sound desired. Note that the source of sound is not the physical device you see, but the invisible beam of ultrasound, which can be many meters long. This new sound source, while invisible, is very large compared to the audio wavelengths its generating. So the resulting audio is now extremely directional, just like a beam of light. Often incorrectly attributed to so-called Tartini tones, the technique of using high-frequency waves to generate low-frequency signals was in fact pioneered by physicists and mathematicians developing techniques for underwater sonar over forty years ago. Through a combination of careful mathematical analysis and engineering insight, the Audio Spotlight sound system has become the very first, and still the only, truly directional audio system which generates low-distortion, high quality sound in a reliable, professional package. IV. System Description The Audio Spotlighting Device consists of a round shaped disc which consists of a transducer, an amplifier and coax cables. Transducer is very discreet, at only 1/2† thick. The transducer comes in two standard sizes 18† round or 24† hexagonal. The cover of the audio spotlight is produced using sublimation printable lycra , this lycra cover can be printed to look like anything that we can take a digital picture of, making integration into an existing display or trade show environment even easier. this lycra cover can be produced with an elastic edge so that it is easily interchangeable. The transducer emits an ultrasound beam. The transducers are driven by small ultrasound amplifiers. The amplifier receives the input signal from a standard audio source such as a computer, CD player or DVD player. The amplifier can currently push the sound signal through the cable 110 long. The amplifier runs on standard 110v or 220v power and is very easily adaptable to European or Asian version of electrical power. Coax cables are used to connect amplifiers to transducers. V. Types A. Direct Audio B. Projected Audio Directed audio can direct sound at a specific target, creating a contained area of listening space which is called â€Å"Direct audio†. Protected audio can bounce can bounce of a sound object, creating an audio image. This audio image gives the illusion of a loudspeaker, which the listener perceives as the source of sound, which is called â€Å"projected audio†. VI. Advantages 1. We can here sounds like music, speeches etc even disturbing others. 2. Army is using this technology which can be very advantageous to security. 3. Creates highly focused beam of sound. 4. Portable. VII. Disadvantages Its highly costly. It can be misused by enemies. Both speaker and amplifier are separate. Maintenance is high. VII. Future Scope Audio Spotlighting really â€Å"put sound where you want it† and will be â€Å"A REAL BOON TO THE FUTURE.† VIII. Conclusion It can be concluded that sound can be forced to make travel in one direction by using the technology audio spotlighting. We can here sounds like music, speeches even disturbing others. References 1. B.PREMLET ,Engineering physics 2. D. Meyer. Computer Simulation of Loudspeaker Directivity, J. Audio Eng. Soc 3. Houghton Mifflin Company,2006 The American heritage Dictionary of English language, 4. J. Eargle, Loudspeaker Handbook, Chapman and Hall, New York 5. J. Proakis and D. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms, and Applications 6. M. Yoneyama and J. Fujimoto. The audio spotlight: An application of nonlinear interaction of sound waves to a new type of loudspeaker design, J. Acoustical Society of America 7. P. Hong, IMTC, Georgia Institute of Technology 8. T. Chen, Guest Editor. The Past, Present, and Future of Audio Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 9. Universal physics. 10. W.F Dryvestegn J. Garas personal sound, J. Audio eng society. 11. Audio Spotlight Add sound and preserve the quiet.html 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. /audio_spotlight_case_study.html 21. audio_spotlight_case_study.html 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Character Analysis of Eveline from James Joyces Dubliners :: Dubliners Essays

Eveline:   Character Analysis  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bibliography w/3 sources  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"There is no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision (James).† Originally appearing in Dubliners, a compilation of vignettes by James Joyce, his short story Eveline is the tale of such an unfortunate individual. Anxious, timid, scared, perhaps even terrified -- all these describe Eveline. She is a frightened, indecisive young woman poised between her past and her future.   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Eveline loves her father but is fearful of him. She tries to hold onto good memories of her father, thinking â€Å"sometimes he could be very nice (Joyce 5),† but has seen what her father has done to her siblings when he would â€Å"hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick (Joyce 4).† As of late she has begun to feel â€Å"herself in danger of her father’s violence (Joyce 4).† Ironically, her father has â€Å"begun to threaten her and say what he’d do to her only for her dead mother’s sake (Joyce 5).†   Ã‚  Ã‚   Eveline wants a new life but is afraid to let go of her past. She dreams of a place where â€Å"people would treat her with respect (Joyce 4)† and when contemplating her future, hopes â€Å"to explore a new life with Frank (Joyce 5).† When, in a moment of terror she realizes that â€Å"she must escape (Joyce 6),† it seems to steel her determination to make a new home for herself elsewhere. On the other hand, she is comfortable with the â€Å"familiar objects from which she had never dreamed of being divided (Joyce 4).† She rationalizes that: â€Å"In her home anyway she had shelter and food; she had those whom she had known all her life about her (Joyce 4).† As she reflects on her past she discovers â€Å"now that she was about to leave it she did not find it a wholly undesirable life (Joyce 5).†   Ã‚  Ã‚   Eveline wants to keep the deathbed pledge made to her mother but is alarmed at the prospect of sharing her mother’s fate. Her mother was ill-treated in life and Eveline vows that â€Å"she would not be treated as her mother had been (Joyce 4).† She has had a life filled with hardship and chafes under â€Å"her promise to keep the home together as long as she could (Joyce 6).† When she recalls â€Å"the pitiful vision of her mother’s life (Joyce 6)† she is uncertain of what to do and prays â€Å"to god to direct her, to show her what was her duty (Joyce 6).

Santa Fe Trail Essay -- essays research papers

Santa Fe Trail Net "ALL'S SET" FOR SFTNet "The Santa Fe Trail Lives On!" Welcome to SFTNet, the latest manifestation of the Santa Fe Trail saga. This service is designed for trail buffs, students, researchers, travelers on the trail--in short, anyone with an interest in historic or contemporary developments along the Santa Fe Trail. What Is The Santa Fe Trail? As many who read this introduction will know, the Santa Fe Trail is an ancient land route of communication between the desert Southwest of what is now the United States and the prairies and plains of central North America. In the Southwest it was also part of a longer route that ran down the Rio Grande into what is now northern Mexico. American Indian peoples used the route to trade the agricultural produce of the Rio Grande Valley and the bounty of the plains, such as jerked buffalo meat and buffalo hides. When the Spanish conquistador Onate came to New Mexico in 1598, he and his soldiers followed this ancient route as they explored the plains and traded wit h the peoples there. During the next two centuries the Spanish gained an intimate knowledge of the plains and the routes between the Mississippi-Missouri river systems and the Southwest. Then, in 1821, a trader from Missouri, William Becknell, came to Santa Fe along what was to become known as the historical route of the Santa Fe Trail. He opened the Santa Fe Trail as a commercial route between what was then ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Social Darwinism in American Politics Essay -- Social Darwinism Essays

Introduction Social Darwinism is a quasi-philosophical, quasi-religious, quasi-sociological view that came from the mind of Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher in the 19th century. It did not achieve wide acceptance in England or Europe, but flourished in this country, as is true of many ideologies, religions, and philosophies. A good summary of Social Darwinism is by Johnson: In these years, when Darwin's Origin of Species, popularized by Herbert Spencer as "the survival of the fittest, " and applied to races as well as species in a vulgarized form, Social Darwinism, the coming Christian triumph was presented as an Anglo-Saxon Protestant one. Social Darwinism is by no means dead, for vestiges of it can be found in the present. What Is "Darwinism?" Charles Darwin was an English biologist who, along with a few others, developed a biological concept that has been vulgarized and attacked from the moment his major work, The Origin of Species, was published in 1859. An accurate and brief picture of his contribution to biology is probably his own: Evolution is transmission with adaptation. Darwin saw in his epochal trip aboard the ship The Beagle in the 1830s what many others had seen but did not draw the proper conclusions. In the Galapagos Islands, off South America, Darwin noted that very large tortoises differed slightly from one island to the next. He noted also that finches also differed from one geographical location to the next. Some had shorter beaks, useful for cracking seeds. Some had long, sharp beaks, useful for prying insects out of their hiding places. Some had long tail feathers, others short ones. Darwin took copious notes, captured insects and animals and selected plants. These he preserved in jars and took them back to England where he thought about the implications of what he had seen. for almost three decades. What occurred to him was a simple notion: animals, plants, insects, fishes, etc., which were obviously related differed slightly and these differences seemed to be tied in with their ability to survive. Differences, which he called "adaptations," were often related to geographical factors. He also saw something similar in fossils: certainly some fish, sea shells, etc., that died and were covered up by sand, gradually turned to stone, and were caught forever in fossil form. There seemed to b... ...le for a "net" that would not allow any individual to lapse into abject poverty, homelessness on a wide scale, hunger or destitution. However, in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan was elected on a platform which declared that New Deal policies were responsible for poverty, crime, and all other social problems. Government, Reagan kept on repeating, was not any part of a solution to the problem. Government was the problem. Therefore, a good many policies based upon the "net" concept were weakened or simply eliminated. It is not accurate to say that 19th century Social Darwinism, "Reaganomics," New Deal philosophy or its manifestation in the economic policies of President Clinton is now dominant. A fair assessment is that all of these ideologies can be found within our society--as public policy and as belief structure. The ability of conflicting, incompatible social philosophies to live side by side, even within the same person, (cite) explains why there is so much unresolved conflict, why it is difficult for a given bit of social policy to achieve permanence. why, as many have pointed out, there is considerable poverty in the wealthiest society in the world.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How employee engagement has been forgotten by many andor remembered by few Essay

How employee engagement has been forgotten by many and/or remembered by few Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is believed that any company which unlocks the secrets of engaging their employees is likely to get very high profits. However, this has never been the case. There are always challenges and confusions which leads to misdirection hence the failure of the employee engagement. The main cause of this is the lack of congruity when talking about the definition and also measurement of the employee engagement. Furthermore, there is also lack of clear distinction between employee engagement and other closely related concepts. This paper’s aim is to conduct an in depth analysis on the importance of engaging employees in any activities of a business activity. It will also give recommendations where the importance found from the managers who practice this will be given.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lack of clear definition is one of the glaring issues that concern the concept of employee engagement. Different categories of individuals ranging academic researchers, corporations, practitioners and many more have extensive variations on how they give meanings. The harnessing of an organization’s member’s selves with aim of making them work their role; in engagement, people always express themselves physically, emotionally and cognitively during their role performance (Kahn, 1990).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An organization which is always widely associated with employee engagement because of their best-selling book, First, Break all the Rules, The Gallup Organization, have a different definition. They define engaged employee as one who works with passion and feel a profound connection to the company he or she is working for and have a drive innovation to move the organization forward. Employee engagement may also be defined as a process through which an organization aims to increase commitment of its employees as well as continuation to aid in the achievement of superior results. This definition is according to the International Survey Research. This definition however looks at employees’ commitment in three different ways. They may include affective, cognitive, and lastly behavioural which incorporates actions, feelings and thoughts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The last definition that is taken into consideration by this paper is the process of translating the employees’ potentials into the employee performance as well as business success.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This as a result changes the ways in which employees perform their duty through utilizing the tools found within the armory of internal communication professional (Shaw, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Before indulging further into the issue of employee engagement, it’s prudent a proper understanding of how employee engagement measurement is done. There are reliable metrics that are used to measure the employee engagement despite the rational and emotional components available. There exists several survey instruments that have been used in measuring the employee engagement. This paper however uses the Q12 survey system which was developed by the Gallup Corporation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Q12 survey involves asking 12 questions which had strong linkages to high performance and measured how well the companies were meeting core requirements for the employees. According to this survey, a high score on the 12 items always reflected the underlying emotional engagement among the employees who took the survey. This engagement leads to improvement in business results, as well as increased levels of productivity, employee retention and profitability (Walker, 2012)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When dealing with employee engagement, there are a number of related concepts which must be put into consideration. The four related areas with the employee engagement include organizational citizenship behaviour, job satisfaction, work engagement and organizational commitment. These four go hand in hand to ensure that proper understanding of the employee engagement as well as its importance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Organizational citizenship behaviour for a long time has always been referred to as the extra role behaviour. The organizational citizenship behaviour can be defined as the behaviour of an individual which is not explicitly recognized by the formal reward system and in the end promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization concerned. Practically, the organizational citizenship behaviour improves efficiency and the effectiveness of an organization by supplying support to transformations, adaptations and innovations within the organization. Studying the organizational citizenship behaviour from a macro perspective, it’s found out that it helps to supply direct support to the organization and the individuals found in the organization. This indirectly supports the organization (Anderson & Williams, 1991).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The organizational citizenship behaviour can be divided into many subcategories that gives a common dimension. The sub components includes self-development, organizational loyalty, sportsmanship, helping behaviour, civic virtue, individual initiative and organizational compliance. When a critical review is done on the definitions of the components mentioned above, it’s realized that their definitions is more or less the same as that of employee engagement. The helping behaviour talked about shows or implies an act of voluntary helping others and thus preventing the occurrence of any work related problem. Organizational loyalty on the other hand aims at remaining committed to an individual’s work even during tough situations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the component which tends to show strong relationship with the employee engagement is the individual initiative. It can be defined as the persistence one puts on a job with extra enthusiasm or it can be said to be volunteering to perform extra responsibilities as well as encouraging others within the same organization to follow suit (Podsakoff et al, 2000).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Job satisfaction, is also another concept related to the employee engagement. A number of scholars have tried to come up with a wholesome definition of job satisfaction. According to Brief and Weiss, 2002, they described it as pleasurable or the positive and emotional state that results from recognizing one’s job or the experience from the job. There existed a number of disagreements whether the initially presumed definition was the exact one. It was found that there were so many shortcomings with the Brief and Weiss definition. This made Weiss to modify the definition. Job satisfaction came to be described as the positive or negative evaluation that a person makes about his or her job situation (Weiss, 2002). From time to time, the definition has always updated so as to include a cognitive component in the measurement of job satisfaction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Work engagement is the third component related to the employee engagement. Work engagement of employees measured or looked at into different categories. It involves vigor, absorption and dedication. Starting with vigour, it can be described as being fully charged with energy as well as resilience in job even during the days when nothing serious happens. Dedication involves one being proud of their work and getting convinced that whatever activity an individual undertakes is significant. Lastly, absorption as a concept means being carried away work to the extent that one forgets everything in the surrounding (Hallberg, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lastly, the fourth concept related to the employee engagement is the organizational commitment. This concept entails the process that is gone through when obtaining the goals of an organization’s multiple constituencies. The goals ranges from a broad organizational goals and their values to a more specific formulation. Organizational commitment may also be defined as the willingness to persist in a course of action as well as the reluctance to change plans while keeping the main goal to stay on course. Both the definitions highlight the fact that people are committed to multiple entities. These multiple entities involve emotional and rational components (Vance, 2005). The emotional concept is defined as the positive feeling towards an entity while thee rational component means the state of being conscious as well as thoughtful in planning and executing actions that fulfill commitments.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having dealt with that, it’s crucial that factors which keep employee engaged are looked into in details. There are three main vital ingredients that make employee engaged. First is the leadership of any particular business organization. The leaders any an organization must set standards that in terms of dedication and then rubs it off to the rest of the employees. The leaders must be able to make difficult decisions correctly and fairly. Furthermore, they should be competent and show consistency in whatever they do. In areas where this is not displayed by the leaders, the employee always feels looked and upon and as result they are always not engaged in whatever activity they undertake. The employees always talk and so poor leadership may be used as the stepping stone to quit any particular job. Good leadership makes an organization to have a very strong employee engagement hence better results (Taylor, 2014).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Secondly, communication and transparency is also a factor or an ingredient that may make your employee engaged or not. This factor however has been underestimated by many and taken for granted. Senior people in an organization always have a notion that employees concern themselves with earning their wages to a larger extent and care very little for other things (Taylor, 2014). The truth of the matter however is that large majority of employees put a lot of emphasis on whether they are regularly being kept in the loop. It always doesn’t matter to them whether it concerns their own development or big decisions of the organization. What actually matters is that it concerns everyone. Openness and good communication makes the employees to feel highly appreciated and hence part of the organization. They don’t feel detached. This makes the organization a better place to be in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lastly, enjoyment is also a key ingredient for engaging employees. The most important aspect of employee engagement is considering the fact that they are human beings. The organization does not run at a loss when they introduce elements of fun in the work place. The fun and enjoyment may range from a number of activities like a dress down party on Fridays, monthly trips, or any other thing that appeals to your employees.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The aim of such enjoyment is to make employees feel like they want to work. This will thus make them stay as long as they want. This is however not the case with many jobs. Not many employees always want to make their employees have fun. This makes people have negative attitude towards such jobs leading to very few people doing such jobs. On many occasions, work does not necessarily have to be done with a serious mood at all times. The only way an employer can make the employees feel engaged it to make them feel as if work is something that should be enjoyed rather than being a chore (Taylor, 2014).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It’s therefore clear that employee engagement can be grouped into two main broad categories or rather approach. There is the philosophical approach and the pragmatic approach. The philosophical approach deals with the management philosophy that are considered when making overall decisions of a human resource. The pragmatic approach on the other hand deals with the dedication programmes for employee engagement. Here, measurement of engagement is done. None of the approaches either is stated to provide a clear winner when trying to achieve an engaged work force (Shaw, 2005).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Having placed more emphasis on the engaged employees, it’s now prudent to talk about the disengaged employees. It’s documented that stress is one of the factors that can dislodge a highly engaged worker from conducting his or her duties without other workers or the organization getting aware of the in depth of the problem. Historically, many organizations have not done an in depth survey on how to deal with stress or other emotional problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The former acting manager of the Freddie Mae, David Kellerman, committed suicide due to stress April 22, 2009. His death was attributed to the organizations failure to respond to the signs he was showing. The government seized his company after running at a loss of $108 billion. The work environment was also stressing. As if that was not enough, he always received so much criticism from the media. All these prompted him to commit suicide. This is the worst that happens when employees are not engaged. Recommendations for managers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From the readings and research done, the following are some of the recommendations that ought to be considered by managers to ensure a proper way of promoting customer engagement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The managers should take specific actions or steps to achieve success. While doing this, they must always remember that each and every company is unique and therefore the action they take should be specific to that particular company. The customers should always be provided with as much information as possible to help make them engaged.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The managers should always know the approach that their organization ought to take and why that approach is important. The employees should also be given the approach used by the organization. When this is done, it makes them know why it’s done. This makes them feel part and parcel of the organization and hence promotes the level of employee engagement. Mutual agreement should also be made with the employees. This makes them know what is expected of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rechanneling of extensive time and resources should be done by the employers. This always forms the basis of creating a new employee engagement initiative. A company may be working on the already made initiatives. These initiatives may be giving forth good results. Coming up with a whole new initiative might lead to misdirection in a healthy focus which has been in existence for a long time and thus would lower the progress of a company. Engaging in such activities should be avoided at all cost. Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The concept of employee engagement is one that is very wide. The engagement of employees affects different levels of an organization ranging from micro and macro levels. So as to reduce the existing ambiguity when it comes to matters of the employee engagement, a lot more need to be done in this area. Any organization willing to get better results from applying the issue of employee engagement should do so with a lot of caution. Anything done be based on the strengths and weaknesses found, any related concept as well as all the unveiled fields in the issue of employee engagemen References (2006). Gallup Study: Engaged employees inspire company innovation. Gallup Management Journal, retrieved from Hagerty, J. & Fields, G. (2009). A Fallen Mortgage Titan, Tragedy amid the Turmoil. Wall Street Journal 6- 5-2009 Hallberg, U. (2005). A thesis on fire: Studies of work engagement, type a behaviour and burnout. Department of Psychology, Stockhlom University, ISBN 91-7155-171-9 Podsakoff, P., Mackenzie, S., Paine, J., Bachrach, D. (2000). Organizational citizenship behavours: A critical review of the theoretical and Empirical literature suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26, 51, 1-56. Shaw, K. (2005). Employment engagement, how to build a high performance workforce. Journal on Human Resource, 0-9547741-3-2.Taylor, R. (2014). Maximising employee engagement. Journal of Leadership. 23-05, 47474 Walker, S. (2012). Employee engagement and communication research measurement, strategy and action. London: Kogan Page. Williams, L. & Anderson, S. (1991). Job satisfaction and organizational commitment as predictors of organizational citizenship and in role behaviours. Journal of Management, 17, 3, 601-617 Source document

Monday, September 16, 2019

International Logistics Industry

In a global economy, the movement of goods and materials is very crucial for the success of a company. More often, the materials are process in another place that is it is needed that these materials be ship. When one wants to be known globally, it will market its products around the world, thus the right timing of shipment is necessary for profit. Logistics is a business that started in 1950. Logistics industry takes care of supplying different materials and shipping out products. . It is the science of process and incorporates all industry sectors.   Logistics can be defined as having the right quantity at the right time for the right price. It is the science of process and incorporates all industry sectors. The goal of logistic work is to manage the fruition of project life cycles, supply chains and resultant efficiencies (.Wikipedia). Creating a balance between financial, environmental and societal growth is a difficult task but is very critical if one company would like to make sure that they are to stay for a long time in the market.   Competition becomes beneficial for one company when because without it there will be no need for innovations and changes in the industry. Consumers have a choice thus companies are always evolving to make their products and company more appealing. In the logistics industry, these consumers are companies of other industry that is aiming for a global market. In any given industry, there are some industry norms that set how a company in a specific industry sets their capital structure (Brackers, 2004). This is also synonymous to the level of business risk to be undertaken that would be acceptable in the industry. These industry norms should serve as guides for the companies included in the industry and not to be followed blindly as there are always exceptions in any rules. The stability of the alliance between the two companies must be ensured because it would play a key role in determining the flow of development of the products being developed. It must be ensured that the manpower working from both companies are both have the proper knowledge needed for the development of the product, who are willing to give their best effort to make sure that deadlines are met. There should also be consistency in the manpower handling the project because the next person place could not know all the information like the former. The key to a successful partnership is inter-dependency. Business done through the aid of an internet is called electronic commerce. This kind of business has boomed in the 21st century with the massive availability of personal computers and laptops. Everything happens in the internet, anything that one could think of. There is internet shopping, online education and internet banking and so many more (Yingli, Lalwani and Aryee, 2005). Now even logistics services have their own website for easy verification of would be customers. Every company has their own strategy but the burden lies in properly executing this strategies. Chapman (2004) has concluded that almost ninety percent of companies fail in properly executing their strategies. Studies show that when CEO’s who have failed have been interviewed said that the thing that led them to downfall was the bad execution of strategies that they have formulated. Only fourteen percent of those included in Times 1000 companies have commented that they are implementing good strategies. One strategy that successful logistics companies are using now is Rate Explorer.   Rate explorer is a system us to prepare customer quotations. Rate explorer has a total of thirty-five contracts inbound and outbound operations within the region of the United States of America.   One company that relies on them is Mallory Alexander. This company has been voted as one of the 2006 Top 100 3PL ((Third Party Logistics company). This award is a big boost on their image because this award is based o the opinions of major shippers in the industry. This award was given by Inbound Logistics magazine ( Anyone entering a business would want it to last as long as it could be but if one would not be open to modernization they would not be able to carry on. An innovation does not mean that the past would be completely forgotten. In business, creativity and patience is needed to sustain it and make sure that one would stay for a long time. Logistics industry knows how powerful technological developments are. Some companies within this industry are also looking at the avenue of electronic commerce to help them in gaining a greater profit and more customers. New corporate strategies and processes are required to cope up with this change. Managing business risk is important, new avenues should prove to be effective for the logistic company and not a liability. Business risk refers to the inherent risk in the firm before debt is introduced to the picture. Business risk is caused by such factors as inflation, interest rates, economic periods, fixed versus variable costs, volatility of input costs, ability to change prices, and sensitivity of sales to economic factors. High levels of Business risk determine the degree of the volatile of sales and the changes in EBIT as dictated by the change in sales. The degree of business risk a company or industry takes is directly proportional to the volatility of the EBIT that they could get (Brackers, 2004). Success is nothing if you can not measure it. A company lay down factors or guidelines for their services and manpower in order for them to gauge if they met their goals or if there is a problem within and how to address it. There are factors that need to be considered when one company tries to check if its service and manpower are able to meet the goals and objective set.   Implementation and evaluation would play a crucial part in determining the outcome of the logistics industries venture in e-commerce. Reference: Logistics. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved November 05, 2006, from Web site: Brackers, Kevin. (2004 November 17). Chapter 13: Capital Restructure. Pittsburg State University. Retrieved November 04, 2006 from Chapman, Alan. (2004). Strategy Implementation and Realization. Farsight Leadership Ltd. Retrieved November 04, 2006 from Mallory Alexander press release. 08 Sept 2006. Retrieved November 04, 2006 from De Busscher, Lucien. 2002. Opportunities and Challenges for Logistics Service Providers in Europe. PWC Consulting. PricewaterhouseCoopers. Retrieved November 04, 2006 from Vate, John Vande and Amy Ward. The Ins and Outs of Outsourcing.   Executive masters International Logistics. Retrieved November 04, 2006 from Yingli Wang, Chandra Lalwani and   Gilbert Aryee. E-business Enabled Customised Logistics Sustainability. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics. August 10-12, 2005, Beijing, China. Retrieved November 04, 2006 from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dress Not for Success: Fifty Years of American Dress Codes Burdening Students

Karnik Soghomonian Professor Brauer Writing 39C February 16th, 2012 Dress Not For Success: Fifty Years of American Dress Codes Burdening Students Over the past fifty years, dress code policies have been a major topic, a topic repeatedly protested against by American high school students. However, at the same time, dress codes have gained popularity in school districts across America. Since the 1960s, drastic measures have been taken to prevent students from wearing certain clothing of their choosing, in fear that the message presented on their clothing being too controversial.Consequently, students have been burdened with dress codes that infringe upon their First Amendment rights. This ongoing trend of imposing dress codes in schools has plagued America for years, resulting in numerous law suits and student punishments. The dress code debate in American Public schools can be traced through various inconsistent rulings in the court cases dating back to 1969, and continued to gain spe ed as a result of falsified information gathered to encourage dress codes in 1994. This debate has continued despite evidence suggesting its uselessness founded by Dr.David L Brunsma in 1998 and despite the negative psychological effects that dress codes could potentially cause, as implied by Psychoanalysis Erik Erikson in the 1960s. Controversy over American public school dress code policies gained the nation’s attention in 1968, when a group of high school and middle school students attending schools at Des Moines Independent Community School District (DMICSD) in Iowa claimed that their personal rights were being violated in the American schooling system.According to the students, they had been suspended from their school for half a month for wearing black armbands at school protesting the Vietnam War. Their school had suspended them on the grounds of violating the school district’s dress code policy, which stated that no students were allowed to convey any type of m essage through their speech or their clothing. Due to what they felt was an overbreach of school codes into their rights, the students sued the school district on November 12th, 1968. In the months that followed, the case, now known as Tinker, et al v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, et al, 393 U.S. 503, reached the level of the Supreme Court. On February 24th, 1969, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the students saying, â€Å"it can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate† (Tinker). A result of the court case was a set of rules now known as the Tinker Standard, which state that a school district cannot ban any students’ rights unless they can point to specialized evidence that the specific right caused a substantial disruption of education and school activities.The Tinker Standards also state that if a student’s clothing portrays a clear and easy to understand message, the school has no right to hide that message (Hudson 150). This is still the standard in which our court system is supposed to abide. However, as will be mentioned further, the Tinker Standard has been ignored almost completely for forty years by the American School System and the court system (i. d. 154). One such case that ignored the Tinker Standard was Broussard v.School Board of Norfolk in 1992. A student wore a t-shirt bearing the message â€Å"Drugs Suck† to her middle school in Norfolk, Virginia. The student had worn the t-shirt several times to school previously; however on one occasion the student was stopped in the school hallway and sent to the principal’s office where the student was held for the remainder of the day, losing a full day of education. The student, with the assistance of the American Civil Liberties Union, sued the school district for overbreach.Even though the t-shirt had a plain and easy to understand message th at ‘drugs suck,’ which should have been protected under the Tinker Standards, the court ruled in favor of the school, ignoring the positive message of the shirt insisting that the word ‘sucks’ was too sexual. The court ruled this, even though the school district had failed to provide any evidence of disruption of student education (Broussard). In 1997, David Chalifoux and Jerry Robertson of New Caney High School in Texas wore rosary beads to school to express their Catholic faith.A school police officer told them to remove them due to their association with Hispanic gang culture. The two students, who had never associated with gangs before, looked through a student handbook which did not list rosaries as out of dress code. The students filed a lawsuit against the school, challenging the ban of rosaries in school with the application of the Tinker Standard. The court ruled in their favor, acknowledging that the school failed to provide evidence of the disrup tion f beads (Chalifoux). However, in recent times, it is seen that the Chalifoux case has also been ignored; in 2010, school officials in New York suspended a thirteen year old student for also wearing rosary beads while mourning the loss of his brother (Hudson 144). As can be seen, the legality of dress codes is entirely unclear as courts have contradicted themselves several times. The fact that the Tinker Standard is not widely accepted in all courts causes great confusion in laws of the First Amendment.Some courts, such as the one involved in the Chalifoux case, apply the Tinker Standard while other courts, such as the one in the Broussard case, do not. Some court cases make up their own standards such as seen in one example from Albemere County, Virginia where the court allowed students to wear t-shirt with guns to school, since the mascot of the particular school was a soldier carrying a musket (Hudson 155). Proponents of school dress codes claim that data and evidence support their argument that dress codes and uniforms improve discipline and reduce the crime rates in school.Those in favor of dress code policies point to Long Beach Unified School District, the first district to have a widespread uniform dress code policy in its public schools in 1994. The initial reports show a drop in crime by seventy percent. While this report seems to show positive credence to dress codes, upon closer examination, problems begin to appear. In 1996, Dr. Kerry A. Rockquemore, a professor at the University of Notre Dame, took a closer look at the information gathered in Long Beach and noticed that several other reforms were put into place at the same time as the uniform dress code policy.Rockquemore’s examination conclude to a third variable problem, that while the change in dress code policy was the most obvious change, improvements to campus security through the increase of campus police officers and increase funding to improve teaching methods are most likely the cause of the drop in crime rates seen in long beach Unified School District (Williams). Despite the noted third variables found seen in the Long Beach statistics on dress codes, many school districts have adopted similar dress code policies and have consequently felt no positive results.For example, Miami-Dade County School District in Florida created a dress code policy similar to that in Long Beach in 2006 and in the following few years, saw in increase in student misconduct (i. d. ). In response to the popularity of dress code policies since Long Beach initiated theirs in 1994, Dr. David L Brunsma, currently a professor of sociology at Virginia Tech University, has devoted much of the last fifteen years to studying uniforms and dress codes in public schools and their effects on students. In 1998, Brunsma, along with Dr.Rockquemore of Notre Dame, published his first academic paper showing the results of uniforms and dress codes on student. The study was conducted by following hundreds of students across America that had been chosen for a previous experiment in 1988. Many of these students went to schools with dress code policies while many did not. Brunsma and Rockquemore compared the students and concluded that dress codes and uniforms had no effect on student behavior, academics, drug use, or attendance in school (Brunsma, David and Kerry Ann Rockquemore).The graph below taken from Brunsma’s book The School Uniform Movement and What it Tells Us about American Education published in 2004 as a follow up on his 1998 paper shows nearly identical results that were published in his 1998 paper. The graph shows the correlation coefficient of dress codes and uniforms to various variables thought to be affected by dress code policies. A correlation coefficient of + or – 1 would indicate a perfect correlation while 0 would indicate perfect no correlation, which rarely happens in the real world.As you can see in the graph from Brunmsa’s book, the correlation coeeficients are much closer to 0 than they are to + or – 1. This indicates that there is no significant correlation between dress codes or uniforms to any variables shown in the graph. Figure 1: Brunsma, David L.. The School Uniform Movement and What it Tells Us about American Education. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2004. Print. 13 Feb. 2012. Figure 1: Brunsma, David L..The School Uniform Movement and What it Tells Us about American Education. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2004. Print. 13 Feb. 2012. With little evidence to support their claims, many schools still implement dress codes, which some psychologists insist is hurting the development of adolescents (Swafford). In 1968, Psychoanalysis Erik Erikson published his book Identify: Youth & Crisis detailing key psychological crises in adolescents’ life that lead to healthy development of personality and dentity. In his book, Erikson describes one crisis in which an adolescent undergoes a series of physical transformations by changing their clothes, hair, body, etc. in order to explore various options in self-identity (Erikson 128). Erikson states in his book, â€Å"should a young person feel that the environment tries to deprive his too radically of all the forms of expression†¦ he may resist with the wild strength encountered in animals†¦without a sense of identity. †(i. d. 130).Here, Erikson is saying that if an adolescent has this remodeling of physical appearance restricted, such as through dress code policies, an adolescent going into adulthood may develop psychological problems in his personality causing him to be no more like an animal than a human. Erikson goes on further to identify these animal-like disorders as idiosyncrasy, depression, identity confusion, negative identity, and in rare cases, dissociative identity disorder (formerly kno wn as multiple personality disorder), and borderline personality disorder.Erikson’s theory of identity development in adolescents is still considered the leading theory in the development of human identity and personality, being taught in college still today (Henry). Despite the evidence drawn from Rockquemore’s and Brunsma’s studies, many schools are still ignorant of this information and still strongly believe that the results gathered from Long Beach are genuine. Assuming mainstream psychology is true, schools are potentially hurting students by preventing them to wear the clothing they want.Who knows how many adolescents have developed a poor self-identity because of their school’s dress code policy. There are many news stories and studies out there that claim that depression and identity disorders are on the rise in teenagers and young adults (Neighmond, Dissociative, and Cloud). Can this rise in identity disorders and depression be due to the rise o f dress code policies? Something must be done to loosen dress code and uniform polices in schools. Surely, some form of code should be in place, but one that does not deprive students of their freedom of expression and identity.Perhaps America needs to go back to 1969, when the original Tinker Standards came out. It would seem that the Tinker Standard was meant to be followed by American public schools and the court system, rather than ignored and shelved only for occasional use. Bibliography Broussard v. School Board of Norfolk. Vol. 801 F. Supp. 1526 (E. D. Va. 1992). 1992. CHALIFOUX v. NEW CANEY INDEPENDANT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Vol. 976 F. Supp. 695 (S. D. Texas 1997). 1997. 18 Feb. 2012. â€Å"Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder). † Recurrent Depression. 12 Oct. 006. Web. 19 Feb. 2012. Brunsma, David and Kerry Ann Rockquemore. â€Å"Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems, Substance Abuse, and Academic Achievement. â₠¬  The Journal of Education Research 92. 1 (1998): 53-62. Web. . Google Scholar. Dr. David Brunsma, a professor of sociology at Virginia Tech, and Dr. Kerry Ann Rockquemore, the Executive Director of the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity, argues throughout their research that dress codes and uniforms in public school systems have no effect on students' behavior in school.Brunsma and Rockquemore construct a ten year long experiment proving that there is no connection between the way a student dresses and the way they turn out academically for a scholarly journal on education research. In order to further back up their research, Brusma and Rockquemore cite many other scholarly researchers who have studies dress codes in school who have come up with similar results. Brusma's and Rockquemore's audience can be narrowed to those in the field of educational research, or perhaps parents interested to find out if a school with a dress code policy is right for their child.T heir central purpose is to dismiss the claim that dress code and uniform policies improve student behavior. Brunsma, David L.. The School Uniform Movement and What it Tells Us about American Education. Lanham, Maryland, United States of America: The Rowman ; Littlefield Publishing Group, 2004. Print. 13 Feb. 2012. Dr. David Brunsma, a professor of sociology at Virginia Tech, argues that the use of dress code and uniform policies in public schools have had no effect on students' behavior, grades, drug use, or violence. Brunsma tells his thesis in a book that summarizes  over fifteen years of research of dress codes and uniforms.In order to prove that dress codes and uniforms have no effect on students, Brunsma cites numerous examples of school districts with failed uniform policies and tells of his own journey on testing students across the country to prove that there is no correlation between dress code and student behavior. Brunsma's audience can be narrowed to those working in t he education field and those who are interested to know more about dress codes and uniforms in the public school system. His central purpose is to explain away the common misconception that uniforms benefit students. Brunsma, David L..Uniforms In Public Schools: A Decade of Research and Debate. Lunham, Maryland, United States of America: Rowman ; Littlefield Education, 2006. Print. 13 Feb. 2012. Cloud, John. â€Å"The Mystery of Borderline Personality Disorder. † Time Magazine. 8 Jan. 2009. Web. 19 Feb. 2012. Erikson, Erik H.. Identity Youth and Crisis. New York, New York, United States of America: W. W. Norton ; Company, 1968. Print.. 13 Feb. 2012. Henry, Gleitman, Gross James and Reisberg Daniel. â€Å"Psychology. † . 8th ed. Ed. Sheri L. Snavely. New York, New York: W. W. Norton ; Company, 2010. : 576-582.Print. 1 Feb. 2012. Hudson Jr. , David L.. Let The Students Speak! A History of the Fight for Free Expression in American Schools. Boston, Massachusetts, United St ates of America: Beacon Press, 2011. Print. 13 Feb. 2012. David L Hudson Jr, a professor in law at Vanderbilt University Law School, Nashville School of Law, and Middle Tennessee State University, argues that students’ rights of freedom of expression are being violated in the American school system. Hudson constructs a historical analysis on students’ rights in school and their fight for freedom of expression.Hudson examines court cases, student protests, and other key events in the history of students’ fight for the freedom of expression in schools to tell the tug-of-war story between school officials and students. Hudson’s audience can be narrowed down to those interested in the First Amendment laws, and also the casual reader who with an interest in law and schools. Hudson’s central purpose is to explain the major events in the history of students’ fight for freedom of expression and to educate his audience on why the debate is so importa nt. Murphey, Paul D.. RESTRICTING GANG CLOTHING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS: DOES A DRESS CODE VIOLATE A STUDENT'S RIGHT OF FREE EXPRESSION?. † Southern California Law Review. 64 (1991): 1321. Web.. 15 Feb. 2012. Neighmond, Patti. â€Å"Depression On The Rise In College Students. † National Public Radio. 17 Jan. 2011. Web. 19 Feb. 2012. Swafford, Melinda, Ann Lee and Leigh Southward. â€Å"The Student Dress Code Debate (Part II). † Techniques: Connecting Education & Careers 86. 2 (2011): 10-11. Web. 21 Jan. 2012. Academic Search Complete. TINKER ET AL. v. DES MOINES INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ET AL. 393 U. S. 503. 24 Feb. 1969. Web. 1 Feb. 2012.Willaims, Darlene. â€Å"School Uniforms: The Raging Debate. † . 2000. Web.. Asserting Parental Rights – it’s Our Duty. Writer’s Memo I really like the information that I was able to present in this paper. I feel like it is really convincing and strong evidence. If I had more time, I would just make it better. I would go back and see if I can make any sentences shorter and easier to read. For this essay, I really did not have too many opportunities to go back and review my work. I guess I would thank my class mated for reading my paper and Prof. Brauer for guiding us through the paper. I believe I will get a B+ in this paper.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Lord of the flies by Willam Golding

Lord of the flies refers to the story of a group of English boys marooned on a tropical island after their plane was shot down during a war. But the book’s exploration of the idea of human evil is to some extent based on Golding’s experience with the violence and savagery of human beings during World War II. Lord of the flies dramatizes a fundamental human struggle: the conflict between the impulse to obey rules, behave morally, and act lawfully and impulse to seek brute power   over others, act selfishly, behave in a way that will gratify one’s own desires, scorn moral rules, and indulge in violence. The first set of impulses might be thought of as the â€Å"civilizing instinct†, which encourages people to work together toward common goal and behave peacefully; the second set of impulse might be thought of as the â€Å"barbarizing instinct†, or the instinct toward savagery, which urges people to rebel against civilization and instead seek anarchy, chaos, despotism, and violence. The Lord of the flies shows the great struggle of the boys to rescue from the horizon. The children made a group and started doing work to attract the attention of the passing ships. They elected their own leader and started finding their way to rescue from that place and chose Ralph as their leader. Ralph elected Jack as the leader of the hunters. Ralph, Jack and Simon set off on an expedition to explore the island. When they returned from hunting, Ralph declared that they must light a signal fire to attract the attention of passing ships. The boys began to do so; they started using the lens from Piggy’s eyeglasses to ignite dead wood. They were very innocent and do not know the importance of the work and were interested in playing more than igniting fire. So because of their insincerity towards work the fire quickly ignites the forest. And the fire becomes out of control. One of the youngest boys disappears from the group and they think that he has presumably burned to death. All the boys started enjoying themselves without grownups except Jack and Ralph. After some time Ralph and Piggy see the ship passing by the horizon. But when ship passes signal fire burned out; it had been a hunter’s responsibility to maintain it. After that Ralph accosts Jack, but the hunter has just returned to his first hunt, and all the boys were uncontrolled and excited and start dancing. When Piggy criticizes Jack because of his insincere deed, Jack hits him. It was really a problem to keep the single fire lit so the boys become afraid. Ralph and Jack both do not liked each other, they wanted a separate group. Jack was violent in nature so he declared himself the leader of new tribe and the group of the boys divided in two parts. They all had lost their innocence and civilization. Ralph was civilized and wanted every one to live in civilized manner but most of the other boys went into bloodlust and barbarism. The sight of hunters chanting and dancing was baffling and distasteful to him. The first hand knowledge of the evil that existed with in all human beings was tragic for Ralph. But this knowledge also enabled him to cast down the Lord of the Flies at the end of the novel. His story ends semi-tragically although he was rescued and returned to civilization, when he saw the naval officer, he wept with the burden of his knowledge about humanity. All the children adopted barbarism and lost innocence and civilization. They took care of the small children. Children of Lord of the Flies did a great effort to rescue from the horizon and tackled the situation very tactfully.   In the novel children tried to free themselves from the power of others by doing different kind of deeds and Jack tried to snatch away the powers of the Ralph. Reference Sir, Golding, William. (1997). Lord of the flies. New York: RIVERHEAD.